water utilities

SOAP LAKE — The Soap Lake Public Utility Committee (SLPUC) is gearing up to tackle significant infrastructure challenges facing the city. In a move aimed at addressing a $300,000 budget deficit, the committee is finalizing a proposal for increased rates on sewer, water, and solid waste services for the year 2024. This proposal is slated for presentation at the city council meeting on April 3rd.

The SLPUC has been conducting thorough evaluations of the city's utility infrastructure, identifying several critical areas in need of urgent attention. According to a recent report by Gray and Osborne, the city's engineering consultants, the pressing issues include the need for maintenance on water towers, the replacement of a failing well, crucial repairs at the sewer treatment plant, and the replacement of outdated wastewater lift stations.

In addition to these immediate concerns, the committee emphasizes the necessity of establishing a robust reserve fund. This fund is essential for covering matching funds required for grant projects, ensuring that the city can leverage external funding to support its infrastructure projects effectively.

The anticipated rate increases for water and sewer services are seen as a vital step towards rectifying the current deficit and laying the groundwork for sustainable infrastructure maintenance and development.

Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to attend the upcoming city council meeting, where the committee will present its recommendations in detail. Public comments about the proposal can be submitted via form here